Hello! I’m Boston Dell-Vandenberg. A multi-disciplined designer, developer and freelancer from Toronto.

I run Pomelo, a boutique web development studio where we specialize in designing and building unique web and mobile applications for small-medium businesses and startups.

I am passionate about creating great user experiences and inspiring designs for the web. To that extent I am an active contributor to WordPress plugins and love tinkering with designs, code, new software and tools.

For detailed information about my qualifications, please see my CV.


Feel free to drop me an email. I respond to every message but am usually kept busy — so if you don‘t get a timely reply please chase me up.

I’m also active on Twitter, where you can always find me @bostondv.

For work inquires please contact me at Pomelo Design by email or by sending in a request for quote.


This site is build on Jekyll, an open-source static site generator. It’s hosted on GitHub Pages.

This site is developed openly - you can browse the source code on GitHub. Please note however that any custom code, design and words remains under my copyright. If you notice any issues with the site please submit an issue.

Have a great day!